Pink Pudding first Blog.
Okay, so you are reading this for the first time, but this is my third attempt now. Couldn't figure out how to save it, so I ended up redoing it again and then again.
So here I am writing my first blog, okay so this is actually how I ended up here?
I was busy looking up funny cat pics, cause that's what single parents do on a Sunday night. As I looked at this ridiculous picture and wondering how someone will think this is funny on my top corner came a add saying 'TOP 10 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET'
Guess how shit it was...
Well if they are true on their statements it will be only a short time before I am driving some fancy car along the coast line. Making the money rain by having people reading every line.
As I decided to start blogging, I read some posts on how to blog (I'm lying) what I did do is make me another cup of coffee and day dreaming about all this money that web site said I am going to make.
So here is my first blog, I will post every 4 to 10 days on my experience of random life choices and also the bad ones I make.
And can someone post some really funny cat pics?
Peace, love and Pink Pudding